NLCS Hosts Successful Hustings Event with Harrow East MP Candidates and Mock Election Debate

24 June 2024

Hustings Event

On Thursday 20 June, we were delighted to host a hustings event featuring MP candidates from Harrow East. The event, which saw a robust turnout, included Reetendra Nath Banerji of the Liberal Democrats, Bob Blackman of the Conservatives, Primesh Patel of Labour, and Sabira Lakha, an Independent candidate.

Chaired by Sixth Form students Hannah and Hope, the event began with each candidate having 2 minutes to introduce themselves. They provided a brief history of their careers and what led them to stand in the general election, followed by a short summary of their manifestos.

After the introductions, the candidates were questioned on a variety of topics by the audience. Questions included, “How does your Party plan to limit the effects of climate change on young people without forcing them to compromise their lifestyle?” and “How do the leaders plan to educate boys on misogyny and feminism?”

The hustings at NLCS provided an excellent platform for students to interact with the candidates and engage in meaningful dialogue about their future. We are incredibly grateful to all the candidates for visiting us at Canons.

On Monday 24 June, following the visit of the parliamentary candidates, our own Sixth Form students participated in a hustings as part of the buildup to our mock election.

Candidates from five parties (Conservatives, Green Party, Labour, Liberal Democrats, and Reform UK) answered questions on various subjects, including Brexit, education, housing, the NHS, and immigration. All our Sixth Form mock candidates delivered their manifestos impressively and handled tough questions fantastically. The hustings concluded with a more lighthearted question, “What is your favourite biscuit and why?”

Huge thanks to the Politics Society for their hard work in organising this mock election. We look forward to seeing the results very soon!


Sixth Form Students take part in a mock hustings event
